Fitter Futures Warwickshire

Find out about how you could become fitter, stay well and feel good.
Four women walking and laughing, carrying exercise mats

What is Fitter Futures?

Fitter Futures is a healthy lifestyle service funded by Warwickshire County Council and delivered by Everyone Health. The services on offer include:

  • Adult Weight Management
  • Stop Smoking Support
  • Exercise on Referral.
  • NHS Health Checks

Adult Weight Management – A FREE 12-week digital or face-to-face programme delivered by Everyone Health’s qualified Nutritionists and Physical Activity Specialists to maximise weight loss through a tailored nutrition and exercise programme. Fitter Futures Warwickshire are also a proud partner of Slimming World and can provide FREE 12-week access to one of their local groups.

The service is now available to those:

Small changes to your lifestyle can have a big impact on your health and wellbeing

Stop Smoking Support - A 12-week digital or face-to-face programme with a Specialist Stop Smoking Practitioner and FREE Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) prescribed to support individuals aged 12+, living in Warwickshire or are registered with a Warwickshire GP (Website details Stop Smoking Service - Fitter Futures Warwickshire (

For more information:

  • Call 0333 005 0092
  • Or text QUIT to 60777
  • Or complete the self-referral form here
  • If you’re a health professional, please complete the form here

Exercise on Referral - A 12-week bespoke Physical Activity programme delivered by our trained Physical Activity Specialists at local leisure providers to increase physical activity, strength and balance.

The service is now available to those:

NHS Health Checks – A free 30-minute check-up of your overall health where your blood pressure, height, weight, BMI, cholesterol and blood glucose levels (HbA1c) will be recorded.

NHS Health Checks can spot early signs of serious health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease and strokes. The service will support patients to identify ways to improve their health and help to get specialist support if needed.

The service is delivered via GP Practices and is available to those:

  • Aged 40-74
  • Registered with a Warwickshire GP
  • Haven't had an NHS Health Check in 5 years
  • Don't have any of the following pre-existing health conditions: diabetes, kidney disease, high cholesterol, a heart condition including diagnosed high blood pressure and stroke


For more information about NHS Health Checks please visit or contact your GP practice.

Contact Information:

For more information on the service, please visit the Fitter Futures website or call us on 0333 005 0092