Dentistry in Warwickshire
Have you struggled to register with a dentist during the past year?
Over the last year, we have had more and more people get in touch with us to say they were having trouble getting dental treatment or registering as an NHS patient with a dentist. With help from our volunteers, Healthwatch Warwickshire called over 50 dental practices to see what the situation across the county was.
Throughout 2022 we have been looking more closely at dental provision across Warwickshire and listening to your experiences.
Our 2022 report will be published here soon.
Experiences of social care
Do you have an experience of a care home, care at home or another social care services you can share with us to help us improve services?
Do you have a hearing impairment?
We would like to know how it affects your access to healthcare. Is it easy to make appointments? Are you able to communicate well with healthcare professionals?
We are gathering the views and feedback of people with different forms of hearing loss or impairment, for example - people who were born deaf, or have lost their hearing due to circumstances like accident, ill health, or old age.