June 2024

Volunteers Week 2024

Community events
Monday 3rd June, 2024 - 0:00 to Sunday 9th June, 2024 - 23:59

About this event

Here at Healthwatch Warwickshire we will be celebrating our wonderful volunteers and also encouraging others to come and join us.

We recognise the fantastic contribution volunteers make in helping us in our mission. Healthwatch Warwickshire seeks to involve volunteers to ensure our services meet the needs of the people of Warwickshire and increase our contact with the local community we serve. 

As a volunteer you can become part of:

  • A reading panel who give a laypersons view on local strategies and information we produce for projects. Our volunteers have contributed feedback to the Coventry and Warwickshire Palliative and End of Life Care Strategy and the Carers Strategy. 
  • Enter and View. Our trained volunteer Authorised Representatives visit services that provide health and social care to get feedback from the people using the services. This includes care homes. 
  • Events. Our volunteers help us run stalls at events, which involves talking to people and listening to their experiences.
  • The Board, acting as ambassadors and overseeing the work of the organisation. 

Contact details

Healthwatch Warwickshire

01926 422 823

Find out about volunteering with Healthwatch Warwickshire here

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