About this event
Our Healthwatch Warwickshire staff will be available to hear about your experiences of health and social care in Warwickshire. We can offer information and signposting to other organisations for support.
'The ageing well centres will involve various visitors and will also provide seated exercise/falls prevention classes as well as help getting online and welfare benefit checks. Sessions run monthly.'
Times and dates vary for our staff visits at the different locations, see below:
Contact details
Wattons Lodge, 1 -33 Wattons Lane, Southam, CV47 0HX
Wednesday 1:30pm - 3:30pm
(30 October 2024 , 29 January 2025, 26 March 2025)
Osprey House, Archer Close, Studley, B80 7HG
Thursday 10am - 12 noon
(31 October 2024, 30 January 2025)
Lawrence Mackie House, St Peters Road, Wellesbourne, CV35 9PN
Wednesday 10:30am - 12:30pm
(27 November 2024, 26 February 2025)
No booking available