About this event
Our Healthwatch Warwickshire staff will be available to hear about your experiences of health and social care in Warwickshire. We can offer information and signposting to other organisations for support.
Reserve your place using the link (right) to Eventbrite.
Contact details
Family time drop-in session , 10am - 11:30am, Tuesday 24 December 2024.
Lillington Children and Family Centre, 3 Mason Avenue, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, CV32 7QE.
Family time drop-in session, 1pm - 2:30pm, Thursday 2 January 2025.
Westgate Children and Family Centre, Bowling Green Street, Warwick, CV34 4DD.
Toddler Time, 1:30pm - 3pm, Thursday 9 January 2025.
Kingsway Children and Family Centre, Baker Avenue, Leamington Spa, CV31 3HB.