Health Visiting in Warwickshire

Have your say on the Health Visiting service in Warwickshire.
Man holding baby

Warwickshire County Council (WCC) and South Warwickshire University NHS Foundation Trust (SWFT) have launched a joint public consultation regarding a proposal to enter into a partnership agreement.

People can respond to the consultation via a survey until 30 September 2023, and parents and carers of children aged 0-5 years old and professionals who work with the health visiting service are invited to take part.

Click here to go to the survey  

Health Visiting services support families with children under 5 years old and play a vital role in ensuring children have the best start in life through delivery of the healthy child programme. This includes a series of developmental reviews, immunisations, parent-infant health support and advice and guidance to support parenting and healthy choices.

Warwickshire County Council currently commissions SWFT to deliver the health visiting service. The current arrangements expire on 31 March 2024 presenting an opportunity to consider new ways to offer the service to meet the rising child population and support needs of families. The consultation asks for views on a proposed model with integration of services at the heart of the local health visiting offer where services across the 0-5 years can work more closely to deliver the best outcomes for families. The proposed partnership agreement between WCC and SWFT would improve access to services so that families and children receive the right support, from the right service at the right time.

Get involved:

  • Complete the online survey 
  • Respond in writing to: Warwickshire County Council, Health Visiting Consultation, Shire Hall, Market Place, Warwick, CV34 4RL 
  • Email or telephone Warwickshire County Council Customer Service Centre on 01926 410410 who will direct you to the Family Wellbeing team for support, this includes:
    • Requesting a paper copy of the survey.
    • Assistance in completing the survey online.
    • Providing the survey in another language format.