What you told us about Menopause support services in Warwickshire
We heard 314 responses to our survey between September and December 2023.

Following local feedback, and alongside local and national research, we wanted to find out the views of people experiencing menopause and perimenopause in Warwickshire.
This survey was an opportunity to share your experience of healthcare around the menopause, including menopause due to medical treatment or early menopause.
We wanted to know if your needs are being met. The aim is to help the people of Warwickshire get the menopause support services they need.
The survey is now closed. Scroll to the bottom of this page to download the report.
To read about our further work listening to what information men need about the menopause visit our HWW web page
For further information on the menopause visit our web page:
Menopause and Perimenopause | Healthwatch Warwickshire
"My GP said she would like to prescribe me HRT but that they were in short supply so she couldn't. No other help was offered.”
“The menopause affects every aspect of my life at work and family life.”
“From research, and advice from my GP, I am satisfied that HRT is the right option for me.”
“We need to have more services to support all women. Not everyone can afford private. I am lucky - I don't know what I would do without it.”
Read our Menopause Report
Read our report on what you told us about menopause services in Warwickshire.