Our chair speaking at the Warwickshire Health and Well Being Board
These are relationships with the people of Warwickshire, service providers, CQC, voluntary and community sector organisations, commissioners, and other relevant bodies, including those that govern.
An effective relationship does however take time to build especially if it is one built on trust, understanding, and relationships which are deemed respectful and constructive.
The effectiveness of a local Healthwatch and their ability to influence is dependent on these relationships.
I believe, at Healthwatch Warwickshire, we have proven to have effective representatives with the requisite experience, knowledge, and confidence to build relationships, at all levels and to then use this to influence at a strategic level. Chris Bain, our Chief Executive, and his team have worked hard to gain access to different meetings, including those with Warwickshire County Council and Coventry & Warwickshire Integrated Care System, enabling the voice of the people of Warwickshire to be heard.
Chris recently explained that HWW:
• Use evidence, but do not give opinions
• Have no interest in catching anyone out
• Focus on relationships not structures
• Take our support and challenge, the critical friend, role seriously
• Use a Workplan, an Engagement Plan and a Communications Framework
• Are committed to continuous engagement
2023 marks the 10 Year Anniversary of Healthwatch and I am proud of the difference Healthwatch Warwickshire have made to the lives of local people. This has been due to the hard work of the small team of staff and volunteers but also, and most importantly, the people of Warwickshire for speaking up and sharing their views and experiences.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Chris, the staff and volunteer team and Healthwatch Warwickshire’s Board of Directors for everything they do to champion the voice of local people and to build the important relationships required to carry out their roles.