How do people who live on boats get the health care they need?

Working with you, professionals in Local Primary Care Networks (GPs), local hospital staff, the emergency services, and the Canal & River Trust we want to understand if there is a need to improve access to Health Care Services for the Boating Community.

Our aim is to help you, living on a boat, get the information and support you need.
Canal boats, blue sky and trees

How can you share your experiences of healthcare with us?

Our survey asks about your experiences of getting health care when you need it. The survey will be open until 31 March 2025.

You can fill in the survey online here

If you would like help to answer the survey questions you can call us between 10am and 3pm, 01926 422 823

Our staff will be out in the community if you would prefer to speak to someone in person: Times and place to follow

What will we do with your responses?

We will analyse all the responses we get and share the anonymous findings on our website here, and with:

Primary Care Networks (PCNs)

  • Which GP surgeries are close by?

Warwickshire Hospitals

  • Which local hospitals are close by?

Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service

  • Read about key fire safety tips for boat users
  • Request a Safe and Well visit here

Warwickshire Police

  • Read about security measures for boat users

Canal and River Trust

  • Read about the work of the UK's largest canal charity