Our 2019-2020 annual report
Our 2019-2020 Annual Report highlights our many advancements and projects through the last year. This includes, but is by no means limited to, our 15 month long Rights to Access Project, the NHS Long Term Plan engagement and our work to strengthen the patient voice in Warwickshire. It also includes many comments from partners we have worked with over the last year. The report ends with the beginnings of our adapting to the Covid-19 Pandemic.
Here is a short excerpt in which Our Chair, Liz Hancock, introduces the report:
In this Annual Report you will learn more about the work Healthwatch has carried out during the year and how we have helped to influence change. Last year I ended by saying, “With the ever-changing health and social care landscape and the continuing political uncertainty I am very proud of our small team of staff and volunteers who work hard to encourage and engage with local people to help local services to meet their needs. It is often a complex world they are working in but I have noticed that they never lose focus of the end result – making care better for people.” I hope you will excuse me for repeating these words which seem to me to remain very apt.