Healthwatch Warwickshire AGM 2021
We held this year's Annual General Meeting on 10th November 2021. The meeting was a chance to report on the activities of Healthwatch Warwickshire over the year 2020-2021, give a finance update, and answer a few questions from the public.
Update on NHS Dental care
Read the latest update from NHS England on NHS Dental services in the Midlands.
The Hope Programme for Carers
Find out about a weekly online course designed to help you look after yourself if you are caring for someone.
Online focus groups for carers
If you care for a friend, relative or neighbour - come along and tell us what services you need to help support you in your caring role.
Access to Healthcare for hearing impaired and Deaf people
We have been researching what it is like for hearing-impaired people in Warwickshire to access health care services.
What do people find challenging about managing diabetes? How could technology help.?
These are the findings of the Diabetes survey we ran in July and August 2021.
Do you need support with looking after your mental health?
The last few years has been a strain for all of us. You are not alone - support is available.
Advice and Information
Experts by Experience Co-production Service
An opportunity for people with a Learning Disability or Autism to influence local decision-making on new services and strategies that impact disabled people.
South Warwickshire community beds review
Read our reports about people's views on community bed provision in Warwickshire.